Workshop sur la blockchain par Samantha Reynolds, Director of PM for Microsoft Blockchain

Tout droit arrivée de la Silicon Valley, Samantha Reynolds, Director PM Microsoft Blockchain a accepté de réaliser pour Pink Innov’ et AWIP (son partenaire américain) un workshop spécifique sur la blockchain.

Cet atelier se déroulera de 8h30 à 12h00 à La Piscine startup studio Paris 8e.

La thématique présentée par Samantha Reynolds

It’s a matter of when, not if, businesses will begin to utilize blockchains in their architecture. However, there is a ton of hype around blockchains, primarily driven by the cryptocurrency craze. This talk does not discuss cryptocurrencies, but instead focuses on the realities of deploying blockchains for business, by someone who is currently doing so within Microsoft. We will cover off on what exactly is a blockchain, it’s business benefits, when to use it (or not use it), considerations beyond just the technical that you need to ensure a successful project, the high level project lifecycle path, as well as plenty of real life blockchain use cases and examples to inform your future blockchain business case ideas. There will also be time for a Q&A after the initial presentation, and the deck will be shared online with the participants afterwards.

Il y aura aussi dans l’atelier aussi du travail d’équipe pour faire du making.

Quand : Le 23 mai de 8:30 à 12:00 

Quoi : Workshop Blockchain par Pink Innov’

Lieu : La piscine Studio Margo 9 rue Christophe Colomb dans le 8eme.